Airtightness Sealing and Testing Service

To help clients comply with building regulations, CVD Fire Protection offer an Airtightness Sealing and Testing Service. What we measure is the resistance of the building envelope to inward or outward air leakage. Air leakage is caused by differential pressures across the building envelope and our team identify the root of the cause before proceeding to sealing phase.

Examples of why there would be a difference of pressure at the envelope of a building are the combined effects of:

  • Stack – where the internal warm air rises
  • External Wind – inducing positive and negative pressures on the envelope
  • Mechanical Ventilation Systems

Commercial Lifetime Benefits

The energy use within buildings accounts for approximately half of all UK Co2 emissions. Two major factors in the design and performance of building fabric which affects energy consumption are air leakage and continuity of insulation. Clients can cut life time heating costs, improve user comfort by upgrading air tightness and the expense of air sealing a building can be more than offset by service plant cost reduction. Other benefits are gained from increased temperature comfort for building users, office staff and visiting customers which are tangible benefits to the client.

Reduced energy costs provide real cash incentives to achieve airtight buildings. During refurbishment, newbuild, or even a building in use, CVD can tackle the causes of air leakage.