Industrial and Commercial Purposes

CVD Fire Protection provide many types of surface preparation for both industrial and commercial purposes, including:

  • Reduction of Floor Levels
  • Removal of Paint and Coatings
  • Scarifying, Grinding, Planing, Keying, Bonding Polishing, Scabbling
  • Surface Blasting, Texturing and Profiling of Concrete and Metal Surfaces

Water Blasting Services

CVD can now offer precision dustless blasting for removing coatings, corrosion and residues from structural steelwork or other surfaces. This provides a superior surface profile, which allows newly applied coatings to adhere better.

How Does It Work?

This system combines conventional grit blasting with the effectiveness of ultra high pressure jetting, without the associated hazards. This system leaves surfaces clean, contaminant free and profiled to SA 2 ½, HB 2 ½, SB 2 ½, NACE VIS 9, WAB 6/10 in seconds.